
We are pleased to inform you that the IPOS 2024 congress has been accredited by professional (Dutch) association. Please find below an overview of the accreditation and the number of points:


Professional association LVPW has accredited this congress with 30 training points, and the accreditation number is (2024/05/17)

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Professional association ADAP has accredited this congress with 5,5 training points for the Dutch Oncology Care Day on Tuesday 24 September 2024 for 'diëtisten, ergotherapeuten en oefentherapeuten' only. The accreditation number is: ID 555258


Professional association 'Kwaliteitsregister V&V en Register Zorgprofessionals' has accredited this congress with 24 training points for 'GGZ, oncologie, palliatieve zorg and researchprofessionals' only. The accreditation number is: ID 555420-1083057

Other accreditation requests with different associations are in process. Updates will be posted on this website as soon as possible.